"artful thinking, creativity and you."
“The study of Semiotics is Creativity is not based on what you know, but on who you ARE -- your self-storythe study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory “The study of Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. DR. BOB DEUTSCH, founder and president of Brain-Sells holds doctorates in cognitive neuroscience and cultural anthropology. “I like to give my guests little surprises Creativity is based on one’s ability to pass what they know through the sieve of one’s SELF-Story. that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. The task for a corporate executive caught in the act of decision-making is how to make sense of these self-contradictions of real people. Helping you get away from scary “The study of Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. “Jazz mostly happened, like all new things happen, by combining things. Jazz was a combination Self-Story is not made up of the facts of your life: It’s not a chronicle of your life, it’s not your diary entrees or your c.v, it’s not your idealized self… and it’s not your top-of-mind. of the raucousness of Saturday night and the sacredness of Sunday morning” - Wynton Marsalis. The task for a corporate executive caught in the act of decision-making is how to make sense of these self-contradictions of real people. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. Clients BRAIN-SELLS knows that each person composes a life that is multitudinous: wise and careless, courageous and tentative, fierce and lazy. “Logic is a great Self-Story requires you to transform the facts of your life into an artful narrative that is truly you.It resonates with you in its emotional and metaphorical meaning.thing, but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. Dr. Bob knows — professionally and personally — the majesty and the foibles of real people, living real lives, real time. He can bring that knowledge to work for you and with you. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” -Here’s an example of a metaphorical transformation offered by the poet-songwriter, Bob Dylan: When Dylan was asked, “Where were you born?” he didn’t answer Duluth, MN. Instead he said
“I was born very far from where I was born; I’m always on my way home.”
Goethe. “One hopes for something resembling truth, some sense of life, even of grace, to flicker, at least, in the work.” - Jasper Johns.

Helping you get away from a threatening current and bringing you to calmer waters. Self-Story is both a grounding and a propellent forward. “The study of Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. “Logic is a great thing, but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in self-story will protect you from being a flag-in-the-wind. It will keep you true.touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. Jazz was a combination of the raucousness of Saturday night and the sacredness of Sunday morning” - Wynton Marsalis.

the task for a corporate executive caught in the act of decision-making is how to make sense of these self-contradictions of real people. The critical abilities needed for authoring your Self-Story are: Helping you get away from scary “The study of Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “Logic is a great thing, Sensuality - feeling what you feel moment-to-moment and how you feel about those feelings. but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. Jazz was a combination of the raucousness of Saturday night and the sacredness of Sunday morning” - Wynton Marsalis.Metaphor - making connections between things that at first glance seem not to be connected at all. Making such connections arise from what you — and you alone — feel. Such connections are put together by your emotions and symbolic associations. Metaphor gives your consciousness “elbow room” to expand beyond the literal-given. Trust your unconscious. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu.“One hopes for something resembling truth, some sense of life, even of grace, to flicker, at least, in the work.” - Jasper Johns. “The study of Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. Paradox - deploying your sensuality and metaphor-making can generate contradictions. This is normal and is a sign of genuineness. as Walt Whitman wrote, “I contain a multitude.” “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. “Jazz mostly happened, like all new things happen, by combining things. The task is to look underneath the hood of these opposites to see if there is an inroad to discover a latent meaning point. Again, a way to go beyond the literal-given. Wynton Marsalis said: “Jazz is a combination of the raucousness of Saturday night with the piety of Sunday morning.” Jazz was a combination of the raucousness of Saturday night and the sacredness of Sunday morning” - Wynton Marsalis. “Logic is a great thing, but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. Sensuality, metaphor-making and integrating a paradox will make you more open, more accepting of serendipity and more welcoming of risk as a “Delicious Agony” (ref: Charles Eames).“Logic is a great thing, but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. “One hopes for something resembling truth, some sense of life, even of grace, to flicker, at least, in the work.” - Jasper Johns.Helping you get away from a threatening Emotional is the only rational.current and bringing you to calmer waters. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe.
“One hopes for something resembling truth, some sense of life, even of grace, to flicker, at least, in the work.” - Jasper Johns. “Listen to your whispers.” Steven Spielberg Helping you get away from a threatening current and bringing you to calmer waters. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “Everything that is transitory is but a metaphor” - Goethe. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu.“The study “When in the creative process you are more a witness than a director” bob deutschof Semiotics is the study of how people transform the world into their world” - Umberto Eco. The task for a corporate executive caught in the act of decision-making is how to make sense of these self-contradictions of real people. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. “I like to give my guests little surprises that help them get in touch with their own latent desires” - Nobu. “My ideas “So much is at the spur of the moment.” Sir Paul McCartneycame from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. “Jazz mostly happened, like all new things happen, by combining things. Jazz was a combination Clients BRAIN-SELLS knows that each person composes a life that is multitudinous: wise and careless, courageous and tentative, fierce and lazy.“Making a film, like making a life, is a journey from your head to your heart.” James Cameronof the raucousness of Saturday night and the sacredness of Sunday morning” - Wynton Marsalis. “Logic is a great thing, but it’s not quite right. At the bottom of everything is metaphor” - Gregory Bateson. “My ideas came from the intuition of my body” - Einstein. “Everything that is transitory “The most personal is always the most creative.” Martin Scorseseis but a metaphor” - Goethe. “One hopes for something resembling truth, some sense of life, even of grace, to flicker, at least, in the work.” - Jasper Johns.